

At Serenity981, the privacy of your information is important. We take care to safeguard the details of your visits, such as the medical and contact info you share with us.

Masks, COVID-19, and Sanitation

For now, Safe is Better Than Sorry, many people have not received COVID-19 vaccination, and the effect of mutated forms (variants) is not well understood. At the same time, seasonal flu, RSV and other “bugs” are unfortunately and recurrently around.

Health is a precious gift, and we all have family and friends of different ages or health that need to be protected.  Until recently, clients entering the building were required to wear protective masks.  Massage treatment takes place in the privacy of a closed room and within social distancing proximity, but it is no longer necessary to keep masks on during massage treatments.  Masks are not perfect, but may still help reduce risk of transmissible illness.

Please help us by protecting yourself, family and friends, and your therapist. If a client or someone in their household (or by recent contact) exhibits the following symptoms or signs, it is prudent and courteous that an appointment be rescheduled. Please also know that your therapist agrees with and also conforms to these safety practices.

  1. Respiratory - cough, fever, runny nose, shortness of breath, sore throat.

  2. Contact - within the last 14 days with someone with confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 Positive.

  3. Travel - within the last 14 days to states or countries with known COVID-19 hot spots.

  4. Community - residence within hot spots of COVID-19 transmission.

Also, if you have been sick and feel “on the mend” but are currently taking antibiotics, please reschedule —— Why? Because, massage increases circulation and you can get a relapse if the antibiotics have not completely run their course. No joke.

If a client’s condition seems marginal, your therapist may collect a no-touch (forehead) temperature reading immediately prior to appointments, and may in fact, require reschedule of your appointment. —— Why? To protect an elderly family member considered to be immune-compromised.

Please know that, excepting late arrival, we strive to give you the full session time that you booked (i.e., an ‘hour’ is 60 minutes long). The treatment room is sanitized after each client, and in addition, there is a UV-C capable air purifier that will generally be in operation during treatment sessions.  

Signed Forms Required

Client forms are available midway down the homepage, or you may download from the links below.

  1. A COVID-19 release form is available and must be filled out and signed prior to treatment. Due to the emergence of Covid-19 variants, it looks like we’ll be doing this for a while yet. You can still receive a therapeutic massage if you have had COVID in the past, or, if you've never had the COVID-19, RSV, or other recommended vaccinations.

  2. A standard medical intake form for massage is available and must filled out and signed prior to treatment.

  3. A standard release form is also required for a parent-accompanied minor (under age 18) to receive treatment. In conformance with PA state law, the parent must remain in the room during treatment.


If you need to cancel, please make every effort to cancel online or by phone with at least 24 hours notice, so that another client may have the benefit of the vacated time slot. Should a personal health or family emergency arise the same day as your scheduled appointment, please call to reschedule.

Should COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms be present or suspected, please be sure to call to reschedule your appointment 7-14 days out, or if you’ve tested positive to COVID-19, please reschedule 7-14 days after verifiable negative test results from your doctor or a home test are in hand. Thank you for doing the right thing!